Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)

Fascial Stretch Therapy or FST, is a specialized assisted stretch technique that is amazingly versatile in its benefits and uses. Specifically, FST is a relaxing technique that has the client remain fully clothed, lay on a massage table and has the stretch therapist do all of the work for them to experience a deep full body stretch. Unlike other forms of stretching such as static or dynamic and other assisted techniques, FST utilizes a wave-like motion that works with the client and their natural breathing pattern to unlock and open up areas that were never thought possible.

FST is also unique in the sense that it looks at the body in terms of fascial lines or tracks. Fascia seems to be becoming more and more of a buzzword in the fitness industry and is completely changing how the human body is viewed and operates. Simply put, fascia is the connective tissue that runs along our entire body and wraps around every muscle, bone, tendon and organ and plays a huge role in how our body feels and moves. Seeing the body through this fascial lens allows a new prospective to be taken and can offer solutions to performance and pain that traditional therapies and body work techniques fail to notice.

“The Best Assisted-Stretch of your life!”

FST sessions can last anywhere from 5-90 minutes depending on what is needed by the client and is completely customizable. Sessions done prior to an athletic event or performance are typically sped up to somewhere between 5-10 minutes and serves as a great dynamic warm up. On the other end of the spectrum, slowing things down and spending 60-90 minutes allows for an extremely relaxing and therapeutic stretch session that leaves the client feeling light as a feather and mentally relaxed.


“Kody helped me stretch Muscles I didn’t even realize I had. After a FST session I felt like a ninja that Had no restrictions.”

-Golden Tate, New York Giants WR

Whether you’re a Current or former athlete, weekend warrior or just trying to feel better in your body.

FST is for you!


Living outside of boise and still want the benefits of stretching?

Get started with KO Recovery To Go!