KO Recovery To Go

  • Struggling to find enough time to stretch?

  • Noticing a loss in flexibility and range of motion?

  • Short on time to take care of your body?

We have you covered!

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No matter where you live or what kind of workout or fitness schedule you are on, everyone can benefit from a consistent stretching and mobility practice.

KO Recovery To Go is a virtual program that provides you with a weekly stretching and mobility routine, access to data base of dozens of individual stretches, in home mobility assessments, specific corrective exercise protocols to improve your limiting factors and more!

The goal of this program is to provide a simple, consistent and practical strategy for improving your movement and maximizing your recovery. Often times mobility and flexibility work is easy to be tossed aside and forgotten about. KO Recovery To Go exists to give everyone an extremely simple and easy program to keep you active and pain free.

Free 7-Day Trial!

Experience a full week of all KO Recovery’s content and resources completely free!

Option 1: Monthly Membership


*Regular Price $29.99/month

Option 2: Yearly Membership


*Regular Price $240/year